Bothersome in a sentence as an adjective

I've posted the most bothersome one on their support forums about two weeks ago: no reply at all. Nothing.

The jittery scrolling is definitely noticeable, but it's not really bothersome. I guess if it irks you then you're in for some frustration.

It's not the anonymity that is bothersome, they're just horribly written job posts. And worse still: comments are disabled so we can't ask any further questions.

A rash started to present itself all over her body, not a bothersome one. The rash appeared to be like tiny purple freckles, something the patient referred to as Dalmatian spots.

If it was bothersome in anyway it was they were so loud she was paying more attention to them and they private conversations and not the speaker. She should have asked them to simmer down or take it outside.

This is particularly bothersome when the title of the article is something vague like "Prime number patterns" or "On concepts and realities." It is against the rules to talk about this problem, though.

Yes, it's like running a hotel with none of those bothersome permit, regulatory, or customer service issues.

What's bothersome is that a police department is allowed to do this. That DoD rules don't prohibit selling/giving military equipment to police departments.

Behavior that is insulting, bothersome, or obnoxious to others This post may qualify...

I certainly don't want a blob on my wrist endlessly buzzing and tapping away, trying to figure out my heart rate and mood and generally being a bothersome noisy little electronic snoop. But at the same time, I can imagine that the younger crowd wants exactly that.

If we outlaw everything that's potentially bothersome, that's complete paralysis... It's not a defensible right.

This is bothersome as I have no beef with Tesla but his history of eugenics promotion gets swept under the carpet. His business failures, of course, have nothing to do with poorly thought out concepts and questionable return on investment, but by dirty tricks by Edison.

When faced with a choice, people usually choose whichever option is least bothersome. That implies a goal for content creators: be the least bothersome option, and users will pay you. Unfortunately for the movie industry, Popcorn Time is currently the least bothersome service.

I think the key thing to realize here is that when PHP says "array", they apparently mean "ordered map": if you are allowed to have 'foo' as a key, it is somewhat bothersome to call it an "array". Then, once you realize that it is actually a hashtable, it is fairly obvious that there will be a worst-case input set.

It is the kind of place where it is not uncommon to be knifed/hacked/soundly beaten in a public place in broad daylight for being on the wrong end of the political spectrum or even just for being bothersome. It was eye opening for the young and somewhat naive me that very very few people were willing to interfere in this.

I personally do find the anonymity bothersome. If an organization expects me to send a detailed resume to them without knowing the first thing about them, that starts the entire relationship off in a profoundly asymmetrical way.

At the end of last year, I started a series of rants about how modern technology sucks [1] with particular emphasis on the frustrating stagnation of desktop computing and the bothersome way every new portable computing device wants to be a center of attention. I was pleasantly surprised that the author of the linked article hits the target squarely when he lists off what PCs need.

The reason this is bothersome is because I can tell you with utter assurance: if Apple releases iOS 7, and it supports your iPhone 4, we will be able to jailbreak it, and it won't even take much effort; I don't even need to see iOS 7: I can tell you that today. It is thereby not at all interesting that we have a jailbreak for iOS 6 on these older devices, and doesn't offer forward any kind of "glimmer of hope" ;P.

Bothersome definitions


causing irritation or annoyance; "tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork"; "aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport"; "found it galling to have to ask permission"; "an irritating delay"; "nettlesome paperwork"; "a pesky mosquito"; "swarms of pestering gnats"; "a plaguey newfangled safety catch"; "a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him"; "a vexatious child"; "it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong"