Booby in a sentence as a noun

Would that really be a booby trap though?

This is like a booby trap in a language.

Perhaps they are too worried about Oracle booby-trapping it somehow, or they have other long term plans.

If you're the sort of person who naturally doesn't care to upvote stuff that the admins think ought to be booby-trapped, then you won't be stung.

There are clever ways to attack them, and yes, the booby trap idea has been done, typically by using something light-sensitive.

" The salaries for regulatory work make it very much the booby prize on Wall St, and every one doing regulatory work is looking to move out of it.

Its less booby-trapped libraries have made it into the next C++ standard library, but the more hardcore indulgences in metaprogramming like Spirit deserve all the scorn that is customarily heaped on them, if not more.

Booby definitions


an ignorant or foolish person

See also: dumbbell dummy dope boob pinhead


small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both