Boldface in a sentence as a noun

If the blog makes money from those sponsor links on the side, I think she'll profit a lot more without the frequent boldface.

If you boldface some text, Word will create a new anonymous style that's simply the existing style, plus boldface.

Asterisks traditionally meant boldface, I thought, but in some of these systems they mean italics.

Agreed, I honestly don't understand how it could be so well received on HN. Do you really need to use boldface at the end of every sentence? This article just seems like money-worshiping, social-climbing drivel.

Boldface in a sentence as a verb

They're not hiring for serious iOS experience at the moment - instead, what they put in boldface for the software engineer position amounts to deep knowledge of Android internals.

When it comes to visual style, any element not explicitly allowed by the CSS designer is denied. elements should generally show some kind of emphasis, probably boldface, but a full CSS reset sets them back to plain text.

If a colour printer had been available at the time, it would have duplicated the highlighter pens those programmers used too; instead I used boldface, italics, underlining, and condensed characters to accomplish the same thing.

Hiragana is typically used to write Japanese words and grammatical particles, while katakana is typically used to write foreign words and for special emphasis, roughly analogous to how boldface type is used in English.

Boldface definitions


a typeface with thick heavy lines

See also: bold


print in boldface