Boastfully in a sentence as an adverb

First, don't boastfully preach on areas where you are not informed.

They are mainstream, they are boastfully 'the most watched' Rush Limbaugh has an enormous listening base.

Heh, I'd rather hesitate on a question and give any answer than boastfully blurt out something that's incorrect

I don't say this boastfully as I feel a lot of it was a waste of timeI try to read a few "classics" now and then, and I definitely read more than just sci-fi.

He loses all credibility by boastfully declaring himself "christian.

I just happen to be vacationing in New Zealand right now and must say I did perk up when I heard the nightly news anchor boastfully announce NZ's "entry into the space race.

So... are you saying that if a celebrity talks openly, even boastfully, about their sex life, then it is free speech to publish a sex tape that was recorded without their consent?

> They are proud of it and see it as not only a plus, but a social benefit, which causes people to be very boastfully vocal in social situationsIf the companies are proud of it, wouldn't they be boasting in the media?

They jumped the shark when they gave the prize to a boastfully-amoral purveyor of warmongering realpolitik in 1973, an unrepentant terrorist in 1994, an ineffective cronyist international kleptocrat in 2001, a self-aggrandizing bigoted apologist for dictators in 2002, and a scientifically-illiterate shill in 2007.

"This is the world and the core of it, this is what made the city – they go together, the angular shapes of the city and the angular shapes lines of a face stripped of everything but purpose – the rising steps of steel and the steps of being intent upon a goal – this is what they had been, all the men who lived to invent the lights, the steel, the furnaces, the motors – they were the world, they, not the men who crouched in dark corners, half-begging, half-threatening, boastfully displaying their open sores as their only claim on life and virtue – so long as he knew that there existed one man with the bright courage of a new thought, could be given up the world to those other?

Boastfully definitions


in a boastful manner; "he talked big all evening"

See also: vauntingly large