Blood-related in a sentence as an adjective

Vampire fiction got big in the 80s, at a time when lots of people were worried about a certain blood-related disease.

But my guess would be that you have some kind of medical condition and blood-related in some way is the first thing that comes to mind.

"Individuals can complain all they want, as long as it is in their own homes, with no more than two individuals present, and they must be blood-related.

It is interesting stuff and fits with some of my impression that they are overlooking important blood-related issues.

" Cynically, most people serve themselves first - so if you find them serving an in-group of the fashionable or blood-related it's often because they don't know how to serve themselves.

It might be inherited ancestrally, even from someone not directly blood-related.

Blood-related definitions


related by blood

See also: cognate consanguine consanguineous consanguineal