Blister in a sentence as a noun

JS is the little blister on your foot.

CS is the vaseline on that little blister.

On the fast side, maybe they're as destructive as a blister agent like mustard gas.

What comes out of a 3D printer is not equivalent to what comes out of a blister pack.

They'll blister and cramp out at a minimum even if it's really flat terrain.

Blister in a sentence as a verb

But at least the blister is no longer a problem, so you can focus on the bigger issues.

\nIt was just a matter of time until one of his blisters or other feet injuries got infected.

They released an OTA firmware update which mostly fixed this, but now the screen is starting to blister in a few places.

WalMart's pharmacy is also testing blister packs + multi-dose...I don't see how this displaces ESI...

I've found after frequent use, my finger tip gets irritated- I suspect mechanics similar to the development of a blister are at play- and they haven't been good for my hand overall.

Blister definitions


a flaw on a surface resulting when an applied substance does not adhere (as an air bubble in a coat of paint)


(botany) a swelling on a plant similar to that on the skin


(pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid

See also: bulla bleb


get blistered; "Her feet blistered during the long hike"

See also: vesicate


subject to harsh criticism; "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday"; "the professor scaled the students"; "your invectives scorched the community"

See also: scald whip


cause blisters to form on; "the tight shoes and perspiration blistered her feet"