Blackhead in a sentence as a noun

No recommended "fail", "dash-cam", or "blackhead" ****. That corner of YouTube.

A simple story about how to get rid of blackheads—the kind of quick piece that every low level content jockey has written a dozen times—now must bear the name of a Real Live Doctor to have any chance of ranking. That doctor has to have a Googleable work history, preferably an extensive one. Once the article is done, it has to be updated on a regular basis, regardless of whether there’s been a massive breakthrough in anti-blackhead technology.

If spacetime continues to accelerate its expansion, a black hole at the future end of time might be like suddenly dropping the air pressure over a boiling pot of water--or maybe more like popping a blackhead pimple by stretching the skin on either side of it. I am not a theoretical physicist, though, so whenever I think too hard about how that would actually work, I give myself a headache and need a good lie-down in a very dark room.

Blackhead definitions


a black-tipped plug clogging a pore of the skin

See also: comedo