Billing in a sentence as a noun

More ads in more places with more prominent billing.

Double billing for a single service is a neat trick if you can pull it off.

No CVV was submitted, no correct billing address, not even the name on the card was correct.

Honest and fair billing should be the goal of both lawyers and clients and this seems like an excellent model for helping to promote this.

If you're interested, Oreilly's "Hacking Healthcare" is a great intro to how billing and the new CMS Meaninful use stuff works.

In the mundane, everyday practice of law, the common practice in billing was indeed that of fixed-fee services.

[2 of 2]: I finally sent them a demand letter 2+ weeks ago stating that I wanted to leave the service & asking for my patient & billing data back.

My bandwidth consumption is measured in Mbps rather than amount of data transferred because I get billed using 95th percentile billing.

And clients, who came to hold the leverage, used it to demand billing concessions: lower rates, caps, fixed-fee arrangements, discounts, and the like.

A lawyer billing hourly would easily bill a six-figure sum in a typical class action case just to get through the class certification phase.

There is a monthly minimum fee for the first few months the service ramps up, but for all of these contracts the percentage of billing fees is designed to exceed the monthly minimum in a steady state.

The rise of in-house lawyers was in part a reaction to the high cost of outside services but, in time, those lawyers were also used routinely to "manage" the outside firms by keeping their billings in line, among other things.

After a while, as the go-go years of the 1980s and 1990s culminated eventually in the tech bubble of 2000, a funny pattern emerged by which a big-firm billing was almost in the nature of an "opening offer.

They refuse to let people pay for their services and thus establish a billing verification channel but they're asking users to put tons of important information into them with no recourse if something does happen.

You'll have a minor hit in billing efficiency while learning how to do this, but then be able to start selling days/weeks at a time of availability at actual professional rates rather than competing with people charging $10 to $20 an hour.

It includes all mailing addresses and billing information known for the user, all connection records and session times, all IP addresses used to access Twitter, all known email accounts, as well as the "means and source of payment," including banking records and credit cards.

Owing to the widespread availability of information today, clients are much more savvy about how legal billing works and are not hesitant to ask for arrangements that make sense for the client even while being fair to the lawyers providing the services.

We got that reputation by doing some concrete things differently than our competitors: we staffed an appropriate number of CSRs, trained them to be nice to customers, did a lot of gratuitous tech support for basic computer problems, and were flexible about resolving billing disputes.

Billing definitions


request for payment of a debt; "they submitted their charges at the end of each month"

See also: charge