Betide in a sentence as a verb

Woe betide anyone who does not do it their way.

But woe betide you if you have less than 4x the required memory.

If something goes wrong and you try and dive into that code, woe betide you.

Woe betide anyone who believes assault is a proper response to words.

He also has a reality distortion field, but woe betide you if you're in his way.

Similarly, in my house, woe betide you if you told Dad you were bored - he would give you a list of things to do!

Woe betide you if the thing you want to customize is in the latter category.

Woe betide the food industry if people actually start caring what they're eating instead of just how much...

Woe betide ye who have to retrofit existing poor multithreaded code.

As Silicon Valley goes today, so goes BigCo tomorrow, and woe betide the BigCo that does not.

As long as you're having to work with embedded structuring or formatting codes, woe betide you.

The "lord taketh and the lord taketh away", but woe betide the state that tries to take anything away from its citizens.

Woe betide developers actually feeling good and having fun whilst developing this app.

Presumably the board must enquire as to any candidate's opinion on this matter and woe betide any CEO anywhere who doesn't support polygamy.

I have to wonder if these forced-socialization companies have a hiring filter for the asocial or otherwise uninterested due to time or whatever, woe betide those who slip through and risk an ignominious culture-firing.

That doesn't happen on Linux because of the culture of unstable APIs and general inconsistencies between distributions, but for my current app, I am providing DEBs and woe betide the distro developer who thinks it's a good idea to repackage things themselves ...

Betide definitions


become of; happen to; "He promised that no harm would befall her"; "What has become of my children?"

See also: befall bechance