Befall in a sentence as a verb

Cancer is a certain type of crash that can befall these machines, literally.

It's not like the other cows sit around all day worried about whether Bessy's fate could befall them.

You want to convince people that there is objective harm to the group, out of your control, that will befall it, if not-X is chosen.

Likewise, given enough time, most people will come to adapt to the various tragedies and good-fortune that befall upon them.

There was also the odd, additional person, who was so completely reckless that it seemed inevitable that something bad would befall them.

If, by definition, it’s stored using the same service, and therefore susceptible to all the same catastrophes that might befall the service, then it’s not a back up.

Certain companies might befall "unfortunate accidents" and whoopsie daisy!

This isn't personal, and it shouldn't be given emotional significance because this sort of rejection will befall anyone who wants to make waves, but people need to be ready for it.

By being nothing, with no thoughts or motion, we would be dead!The point here is Understanding that we are nothing, to make it easier to let go of the material world, or to let go of any pains that befall us.

When approaching someone who has been injured, it's important to ensure the same fate doesn't befall you...Paramedics don't run towards victims, they approach cautiously, keeping a close eye on the scene around them.

No one could have predicted the horrors about to befall France in the 20th century...the bloom of her youth destroyed on the battlefields of the First World War, followed economic depression and then defeat and occupation by the Nazis.

"Well, since we're having a merry old time stomping all over the Constitution, I suppose asking what ramifications could possibly befall this Representative, considering the "Speech and Debate" immunity provided under Article 1, Section 6 of our allegedly-cherished Constitution, is a moot point.

But then imagine some real disaster triggered by our carelessness does befall us, what are we going to do to deal with the aftermath if we can't even agree on what to do when it is not yet rearranging our lives with careless abandon?Nature doesn't care, one way or the other whether we're going to agree with each other or not.

Befall definitions


become of; happen to; "He promised that no harm would befall her"; "What has become of my children?"

See also: bechance betide


happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance; "It happens that today is my birthday"; "These things befell" (Santayana)

See also: happen bechance