Bedclothes in a sentence as a noun

And then he wept and caressed the bedclothes and was maudlin."

That are on all of your garments, towels and bedclothes.

User proper bedclothes, some people just use white beddings and the same ones at least for 3 months. Don't do this isn't confortable and nicer.

For instance, I've got scheduled reminders to change my bedclothes, take the rubbish out the night before bin day, replace parts on my bike annually, etc.

The point of keeping it attached to the master bedroom is basically so we don't have to walk around the house in "bedclothes" when we have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Another thing that this article misses: A lot of people like to loose track of time reading on the toilet.

That's sort of understandable - if you are around people all day who hear Satan, or have obsessive compulsions, complaining that you don't have enough bedclothes or the food is bad is just seen as part of your condition. If you get given the wrong medication, it's assumed you are wrong and you'll be ignored.

Personally my skin is very sensitive and tbh I'm much more comfortable when me, my clothes, bedclothes etc are not cleaned so often. Also I have read that the cleanliness of your average industrialised 1st world country house is far too clean and this may have a role in causing people to develop allergies or have other immune system related issues.

Even if logging and debugging MySQL slow queries is a bit tedious, it's so vastly more pleasant and less dangerous work than logging trees and debugging lice from your bedclothes at a lumber cabin, which is what our previous generations did, that it's worth leaning back and thinking of. Still, the development to this status required that people like my folks did this work and eventually built a nation that could produce someone who could produce MySQL. Parts of the world are still the same.

> Inmates on ******* watch are generally placed in a special observation cell, surrounded with windows, with a bolted down bed and no bedclothes. A correction officer — or sometimes a fellow inmate trained to be a “******* companion” — is typically assigned to sit in an adjacent office and monitor the inmate constantly.

Bedclothes definitions


coverings that are used on a bed

See also: bedding