Baseless in a sentence as an adjective

Unfortunately I fear that GW's baseless threats will beat back hobbyists, yet again..

Comparisons to Reddit and other such nonsense are baseless.

And that, despite the baselessness of that claim, a major architect of Square decided to hop off the train?

One commentator is attempting to advance the baseless theory that the bully did not care about the sex of his victim.

And saying baseless things like "that's never how it works", that's just fearmongering, not contributing to the conversation.

I'm no fan of Apple, but this is baseless Apple bashing.\n"Refusing" to update old devices is certainly reasonable.

Yet I'd imagine the public would get grim satisfaction out of seeing Ballmer punished, even if the charges were baseless, because most people don't like him.

Comments like "I'm pretty sure the author reached an entirely fallacious and baseless conclusion"?

I'm pretty sure the author reached an entirely fallacious and baseless conclusion.

I spoke with the government officials, I told them we were hurt by these baseless accusations, and they admitted that they really had no evidence of any wrongdoing.

Other baseless claims: that women are hard-wired to read faces and tone of voice, to defuse conflict, and to form deep friendships; and that "girls' brains are wired for communication and boys' for aggression.

Few people would step up to defend you, even if the charges are baseless, because recently it's been fashionable to hate capitalists, and trading stocks is the epitome of capitalism.

The long-held serotonin hypothesis has proven to be completely baseless and there is no good evidence that depression has a neurochemical etiology.

Baseless definitions


without a basis in reason or fact; "baseless gossip"; "the allegations proved groundless"; "idle fears"; "unfounded suspicions"; "unwarranted jealousy"

See also: groundless idle unfounded unwarranted wild