Barometer in a sentence as a noun

And it also answers the question of "what would I ever do with a barometer on my phone?

So the barometer only helps you with an estimate Z pos, which helps you get the GPS fix faster.

Biggest news for me: barometer!Biggest question: Can we access it to read raw atmospheric pressure?

And how irrelevant that is, since they don't even know that's what they're running?Also, the S III has a barometer.

I was really hoping for a barometer so I could recruit iOS users to pressureNET.

Since they couldn't remember the perfect gas law they instead drop the barometer from the roof and time how long it takes to smash into the ground below.

Why is Lincoln's behavior the barometer of anything?

These scopes are more practicable now, when the prognostics of the political and economic barometer are halcyonic.

I got rid of my smartphone, that cost me $5/year to run, now I just carry a radio, mp3 player, book of maps, gps receiver, flashlight, barometer, alarm clock, diary, address book, newspaper, tv remote, and camera.

Barometer definitions


an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure