Barnacle in a sentence as a noun

Next on the list... swap out the flamingo for the barnacle.

Also: I knew there were goose barnacles; never heard of barnacle geese before, though.

I bet you could get some sort of coating for your windshield which would resist the suction of the barnacle.

That’s nothingHow many people know what Kingdom a barnacle, a sponge, coral, or kelp belongs to.

"Fascinating, reminds me of barnacle monsters from Half-Life.

In reality if every instance of '****' is replaced with 'barnacle', if I call you a 'barnacle head' on said forum, we both know what I'm saying.

My opinion as an immigrant is the opposite: I'm clinging to this rock like a tenacious ******* barnacle.

Thanks so much to the university for coming up with the barnacle or I would have missed these really brilliant hacks that seemed to keep improving one after the other.

Perhaps intelligences like ours are well understood, well classified in the genus of the universe, and we are about as ordinary as a barnacle on the hull of a tug boat.

Barnacle definitions


marine crustaceans with feathery food-catching appendages; free-swimming as larvae; as adults form a hard shell and live attached to submerged surfaces

See also: cirriped cirripede


European goose smaller than the brant; breeds in the far north