Bald in a sentence as a verb

There is a lot more to it than "old fat bald guy".

You will see a lot of people bald-face lying about a lot of things.

From whales and ivory, to bald eagles to clean air.

That's not a "bald-faced lie."Saying Schmidt lied to Congress is the bald-faced lie.

Now, this is an obvious and bald faced lie on Gates' part, but Isaacson doesn't know any better.

> until you've been in a bar and had a fat, bald guySince when is being bald become a derogatory term?

Bald in a sentence as an adjective

For instance, I was bald from the chemo and got a multi-colour clown wig as a joke present, which made me smile so much.

He is, as Stephen King once described a character, "unabashadly bald.

He told them bald faced lies about his fundamental views, and is fairly unapologetic about it.

I despise people who dare to manipulate me, to condescendingly see after my own good or feelings by bald-face lying to me about something.

And so here we are, a mere 7 years later and we've pieced together a very humble ecosystem in the face of that level of bald hatred and misunderstanding.

When you consider a ship leaving a solar system and accelerating, and the speed gained turning the "ambient hydrogen" into deadly radiation, why does it always seem to assume that hydrogen atoms are just kind of hanging out at low velocities relative to the home solar system and only turn into a problem when the bald captain says "engage"?Its a big universe, might the hydrogen atoms already be traveling at these deadly speeds relative to the ship once it leaves Sol?

Bald definitions


grow bald; lose hair on one's head; "He is balding already"


with no effort to conceal; "a barefaced lie"

See also: barefaced


lacking hair on all or most of the scalp; "a bald pate"; "a bald-headed gentleman"

See also: bald-headed bald-pated


without the natural or usual covering; "a bald spot on the lawn"; "bare hills"

See also: denuded denudate