Bagging in a sentence as a noun

Youre just one small step away from bagging Snookies Cookies, I can feel it."

They might be making your lunch, bagging your groceries, or mowing your lawn.

Counterpoint: the potential reward for bagging him isn't $20k.

For instance, is all of this vim 'body bagging' goodness available to you over SSH?

They are paying the employees $12-$15 an hour, which seems competitive and is more than they would make bagging groceries.

Heck, they could have left off "Mitt" and we could still safely assume the article wasn't about George Romney bagging on ol' Nikola.

When I was 15, bagging groceries and helping people load up their cars, I couldn't restrain my passion for doing things well, and that was $6 an hour.

If you can get away with the latter without appearing dishonest, you might have a better chance at bagging the investment deal.

Perhaps the lawyer doesn't view bagging groceries as losing control and taking on extra work: it may be an improvement over passively waiting in line, which is its own kind of work.

My manager marked me down for 'sand bagging' and when I inquired what he meant he explained that he had observed me sitting around, reading usenet, and basically goofing off for three months and then I sat down and wrote all the software less than a month.

Even if high school graduates did their own research, they would've still needed to be able to predict the outcome of an world economy after a huge shake-up -- how is someone fresh out of high school supposed to do that?I mean, I agree that a Sociology degree isn't known for 6 figures, but before things went **** up, it would've likely gotten you a decent office job somewhere -- certainly you're capable of more than bagging groceries and stocking shelves.

Bagging definitions


coarse fabric used for bags or sacks

See also: sacking