Backside in a sentence as a noun

By "getting hands on" to be clear you are referring to his fondling her backside and front.

[1] Major Corp getting screwed because some tricky licensing provision in their tech stack bites them in the backside.

This is especially jarring when it happens to be a character's head and you see the backside of his/her eyeballs and teeth!

Even better, you can just beige box off them if you can find the demarc point, which is usually on the backside of the building where the phone is.

Disappearing up your own backside to implement something like this is a time-honored indie game development tradition.

Ugh, is this going to look like Big Tobacco in 50 years?Vice taxes and revenue streams to be kept alive for the district?That's going to be such a kick-in-the-backside for everyone who just wanted to decriminalize it & stop putting people away for years.

Backside definitions


the side of an object that is opposite its front; "his room was toward the rear of the hotel"

See also: rear


the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"

See also: buttocks