Await in a sentence as a verb

Thank you for\n your patience while we await Al Gore's instruction!

That will have to await a legislative solution, if it is to come about at all.

What this suggests is that "await" isn't like all structured programming, it's like one control construct.

The article itself states:The final word on the 16 words may have to await history's judgment.

I hope that the App Shoper banned at least made you think about the possibility that could await AppGratis and took preemptive measure.

All test subjects who want to go on an all-expense-paid trip to the surface of the sun please meet in Testing Annex 5B and await further instructions.

And I await an exciting time of innovation in Operating Systems in the coming century.

I await the resolution of this problem eagerly, so we can establish a precedent for the copyright on _code_ written by monkeys.

Will they perform as callbacks that await some return values or do I have to use inline assembly to process them correctly;Is it possible to write MBR in C?

So don't hold your breath awaiting any court-driven abolition of software patents generally.

Can you imagine working at the WTC and having a bad day, and jokingly sending an email to a coworker about bombing the place because you're so mad. 9/11 happens a year later, the government looks in its archives for the email you sent, and in a post-9/11 frenzy sends you to Guantanamo to "await trial".

I await the apologetics from the "It's an extremely narrow design patent" camp who claimed that this would never apply to a device even slightly different, physically, from an iPad.

On leaving these peaceable and free assemblies, some go to the synagogue, others in search of a drink; this man is on the way to be baptized in a great tub in the name of the Father, by the Son, to the Holy Ghost; that man is having the ******** of his son cut off, and a Hebraic formula mumbled over the child that he himself can make nothing of; these others are going to their church to await the inspiration of God with their hats on; and all are satisfied.

Await definitions


look forward to the probable occurrence of; "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"; "She is looking to a promotion"; "he is waiting to be drafted"

See also: expect look wait