Autotroph in a sentence as a noun

I have a good moral argument that you should only eat animals and fungi, not plants:Plants are autotrophs and don't eat other things.

" It's to question whether eating other sentient beings is really avoidable for us as autotrophs.

On the other hand,it does seem like the autotrophs of the journalism ecosystem are dying off pretty quickly and something has to be done.

> Phytoplankton eat bacteria, correct?No, phytoplankton are basically microscopic plants, they don't eat anything per se, they are autotrophs which use inorganic substances in the environment and get their energy from sunlight.

The microbial life at hand are not necessarily autotrophs or even consumers on non biological material, they are all heterotrophs made of biological material, eating each other.

I look forward to the day when the scientists bless humanity with a photosynthesis gene, so that our autotrophy-powered intellectual capacities can help the Free Market lead us to the next Pareto optimal unencumbered by animal impatience.

Autotroph definitions


plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances

See also: autophyte