Auspices in a sentence as a noun

If it wasn't offered under the auspices of UW, I would have thought it a scam...

If you took investment from friends and family under the auspices that it would probably get paid back, you lied to them.

There are currently 15k to 16k Americans working in Iraq, under the auspices of the State Department.

Some of us just have seemingly unlimited manpower, budget and the auspices of the federal government.

My friend and I were prompted to enter our flight information under the auspices that we'd be "alerted" with updates about our flight--boarding, delays, etc.

Wait, are there actually people in the US who still assume that there someone has to get a warrant to investigate them under the auspices of terrorism or National Security?

* They moved essentially all the popular cable channels out of the 'basic' television package during the DTV switch, under the auspices of people needing their digital set-top box anyway.

For example, if you account for resources the prosecutor uses but not the police, they'll just arrange it so that all the expensive legwork is done under the auspices of law enforcement and on paper all the prosecutor's office does is type it up and file the paperwork.

It doesn't happen often, but I've seen both people ruin their careers saying no and those that want to keep their job and say yes. It's usually under the auspices of "helping out to stop bad things", and it's very hard to say no when activities are couched that way...despite very many of the people on here talking publicly about their very righteous and moral high ground, placed in the same position, the vast majority of HN users would want to stop bad things from happening even if it meant crossing the line a bit here or there.

"The real TL;DR is "run your mysql command under the auspices of '/usr/bin/numactl --interleave all' so that your big pool allocation is split evenly across nodes"And an even better solution would be if _only_ the big pool allocation use interleaved allocation, and all the rest used normal node-bound allocation.

Auspices definitions


kindly endorsement and guidance; "the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council"

See also: protection aegis