Attract in a sentence as a verb

If we open the floodgates, it will attract lots of people who will dilute the site.

In the first year, plan to attract at least 50 young directors, 100 young actors, and 100 young writers.

Sure banning people who attract spam works but in the long run it will cause some serious karma fallout.

I'd be thrilled to work for a Google or Microsoft, but what would attract "rock star developers" to Fog Creek?

There is a class of submissions that only make sense or attract interest with a custom title.

What they've done is pay above-market rates to attract good writers.

I find it humourous that they say they are clawing them back so they "could attract more top talent with the promise of stock.

With the unvested shares, the executives believed they could attract more top talent with the promise of stock.

I get that code bootcamps attract lots of folks who maybe got a political science degree or spent the last three years in real estate.

Isn't the most attractive thing a super interesting problem domain?

Steve did seem to be able to hire, attract, or motivate as many talented engineers as he did drive away.

Doesn't anyone realize they just wrote that article and disabled ie9 to attract hipster freelance designers and developers?

The talent that he helped attract and the products they create are responsible for Apple's stock price rise and continued profitability since his death.

Those who want to intentionally attract media attention should present themselves as such, instead of pretending to be doing any kind of meaningful experiment and hypothesis testing.

Listen, I know that once we turn forty we're all put out to pasture in the Great Programmer Iceberg and left to fend for ourselves but:I think the takeaway is, you're not building something sustainable if you can't attract people with kids.

The site does have something like a dozen tracking cookies on it; does this imply that they have data showing that swipability is so important that it doesn't even have to work in order to attract more ad impressions/clicks/Tweets/whatever?

All of these standards can be applied fairly strictly, and with much less vagueness than notability.- It's not like Wikipedia is short of disk space to store a few million extra text articles.- The argument that it would be too difficult to maintain lots of extra articles is also weak, because not every article needs to be regularly edited, and more articles on niche topics might actually attract more editors.- No, we won't end up with a page for every John Doe and his cat.

Attract definitions


direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; "Her good looks attract the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers"

See also: pull draw


be attractive to; "The idea of a vacation appeals to me"; "The beautiful garden attracted many people"

See also: appeal


exert a force on (a body) causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away; "the gravitational pull of a planet attracts other bodies"