Attending in a sentence as a noun

Obtained only by attending the lectures of the public teachers.

" rather than "Gee, you can learn anything even without attending a college if you have the drive.

"Last year I held a special webinar that was invite only and everyone had to sign an NDA before attending.

Too many people confuse "lack of attention to detail" with "attending to detail you aren't paying attention to".

Trying to argue that a conference organizer should hold some moral responsible for the people attending seems to me just ridiculous.

The baby comes and there are no complications and no anesthetic and the attending physician never even showed up for some reason.

That said, though, there's pretty much zero chance that this announcement DT made will have any effect whatsoever on federal agents, recruiters or representatives attending the con.

Since the Kalamazoo Promise was announced, enrollment in the school district has grown by 16%, test scores have improved, and a greater proportion of high-school graduates are attending college.

You're attending a public function with hundreds, if not thousands of people and you truthfully believe someone, somewhere, is not going to say something to upset you or to say something you disagree with?No, stop it.

I was glad to see this paragraph included in the article:> By the time they take the eighth-grade tests in the spring of the year, they already know which high school they will be attending, and their scores on the test have no consequences.

In his brief period when he had the energy to try and communicate whilst almost totally paralysed, it was clear he was telling the attending doctor that he wanted them to stop all medication and let him die.

I know "lifestyle businesses" are perennially unpopular in parts of SV, but part of the whole point of being your own boss is that you really can choose to, say, spend 10% of your workweek attending meetups, even if it doesn't produce a monetary ROI, and you don't have to justify it to your employer.

Maybe it's because we've received the secret developers-eyes-only memo:True Agile: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools\n Working software over comprehensive documentation\n Customer collaboration over contract negotiation\n Responding to change over following a plan\n Getting **** done over attending meetings and conferences

We become intimately familiar with his three-year-old daughter's escapades with Cheerios and love of Phineas & Ferb.- Judging from the number of sirens, Jake apparently lives in a bad part of town or is watching Blues Brothers in the background.- Lucy has apparently joined while sitting in a conference room, attending another meeting simultaneously.- Robert joins 15 minutes late and would like everything he missed to be recapped.- Mark absolutely will not let the meeting progress unless someone is recording.

In that case, the debt vanishes and the noteholder becomes an equity holder and everybody wins in terms of optimal positioning of their respective stakes in the venture: founders have gotten their cheap stock that they can hold until a liquidity event, at which time they can sell typically for long-term capital gains and with no intervening taxes to pay; noteholders have gotten their equity stakes with all protections and with no-less-favorable pricing than that offered to the preferred stock investors who presumably have negotiated a good, arms-length deal for themselves; the company avoids a too-early high repricing of its stock so it can continue to offer good incentives to new team members as they join; and the company does not usually have to fool with 409A valuations or with other strings and formalities attending the bringing in of investors via equity rounds.

Attending definitions


the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others

See also: attention


the act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.)

See also: attendance