Anesthetic in a sentence as a noun

How effective an anesthetic will Perspective be?You can be right and Wrong at the same time.

To prevent injury, most hens have their beaks are sliced off by a hot blade and without anesthetic.

The incisions are very small, made under local anesthetic, and recovery time should be quick.

If you're talking about a patient who was admitted with DTs, she should not have even been administered an anesthetic.

Yes, its a bigger needle, that they insert into your hip bone after administering local anesthetic.

The baby comes and there are no complications and no anesthetic and the attending physician never even showed up for some reason.

Anesthetic in a sentence as an adjective

Every ambulance has a stock of it because it's the safest anesthetic to use in emergency situations.

Implying that this patient's alcoholism killed her because her liver couldn't handle the anesthetic is disingenuous at best.

The fact that it can be abused doesn't make it a recreational drug, any more than the fact that ******* can be abused invalidates its use as a clinical anesthetic.

It involves sedation/anesthetic and invasion of the body by medical equipment.

Molaison was given only a local anesthetic, so that he could be awake to report on his sensations when different cerebral areas were stimulated.

Future improvements in anesthetic agents, intubation devices, and monitoring tools will probably allow nurse anesthetists to do more and more what anesthesiologists do today.

Proper Noun Examples for Anesthetic

Anesthetic is probably the best example; once you've administered anesthetic to a brain, consciousness is lost, while removing it restores consciousness.

Anesthetic definitions


a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations

See also: anaesthetic


relating to or producing insensibility

See also: anaesthetic


characterized by insensibility; "the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anesthetic"; "an anesthetic state"