Attendee in a sentence as a noun

Not only that, but you're not going to disturb other attendees doing it!

> The 100 attendee limit is very hard to do in a country where 1,000s would be willing to attend.

It's a woman making the sexualized comments to a friend, and a male attendee eavesdrops.

I do NOT believe that ANY conference attendees should have to sit idly by and listen to penis jokes.

If every attendee had to pay this with his own private cash, i am sure the average ticket price would be much lower.

Being an attendee from last year, I can guarantee you that it's people still filing in to find seats well into the presentation.

If you were an attendee and not an exhibitor you could use the free public WiFi that was available.

Add to that insurance, guarantees and other fixed costs and you have a solid formula for high prices for attendees.

* Hand folder out to each attendee, and include a strong call to action: "Want to learn more about how your business can best utilize email?

They are not thinking critically or putting themselves in the conference attendee's shoes.

Am I the only one who doesn't see any problem with this at all?I mean, it's not like attendees are talking into a phone, inconveniencing other people.

Complaining that every attendee's attention is not permanently fixed upon you strikes me as particularly vain.

* Female attendees will get hit on multiple times by lonely nerdy guys, I really don't know what to say about this, but if you stick to the actual convention, you probably won't endure much worse than bad pickup lines.

* After your course completes, personally email each attendee and ask them point blank how they're planning on implementing the advice you taught them both at the live event and in the email course in their business.

[1] One year a reporter disguised herself as an attendee instead of admitting she was a reporter, and was attempting to get hackers on record saying that they've hacked into and important system.

Chinese agents would either go to, or comb, attendee list of DoD conferences and then contact them as plausible other attendees from the same conference where they would say something along the lines of "Hey Joe!

In running similar events in the past, I have found adding a single checkbox to the sign up form labeled 'Please include my name and contact information in the official attendee list' is both simple and effective.

Is it time for Apple to consider a format to allow more people to attend?While undoubtedly not a perfect substitute for attending, they did take a big positive step last year by posting the session videos only a week after and eliminating additional fee for non-attendee access to them.

Attendee definitions


a person who is present and participates in a meeting; "he was a regular attender at department meetings"; "the gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees"

See also: attendant attender meeter