Athwart in a sentence as an adverb

It's such a pain when one cannot simply sit athwart the world and command "Stop!".

They'll drive inches from a bike, and the only thing standing athwart mass slaughter is that traffic is as slow as molasses.

> A lot of conservatives saw it as their duty to stand athwart Obama's agenda and yell, "Stop!

A lot of conservatives saw it as their duty to stand athwart Obama's agenda and yell, "Stop!

The Travis Kalanick biopic:"A bro stands athwart history, yelling cant stop wont stop.

It has to be sitting athwart one of the most reliable rivers of gold amongst the independents.

"A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop"When it comes to building things, yes, they are conservative.

Far be it from me to stand athwart your argument against realtors, but: how effective can they be at seizing control of the market via the MLS?

Better yet, you should listen to their rhetoric, because they don't think they're liberating science and culture; they think they're standing athwart engines of mass ******.

Hannan is a serious, thoughtful writer and does not merit flagging merely for broaching an opinion athwart the narrative.

'Conservatism' isn't helped by it's entanglement with religion and that old quote "A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!

Are gunpowder projectile devices the right compromise?How dangerous does a printable device have to be before we must stand athwart technology, yelling Stop?

They provided, just one further comment downthread, a pretty persuasive case that a letter of concern about the carcinogenicity of glyphosate is athwart the scientific consensus.

Athwart definitions


at right angles to the center line of a ship


at an oblique angle; "the sun shone aslant into his face"

See also: obliquely aslant