Assistant in a sentence as a noun

By the way, try Joey Hess' git-annex, now with the assistant.

Now, I didn't talk to "the man himself", but I talked to one of his assistants.

However, since he had to go to the city on some business his assistant would now buy for the man.

"He once sentenced a teen to three months in jail for creating a MySpace page that mocked her schools assistant principal.

I feel that assistants aren't really there to help me; they're there to maximize profits for their employer.

They're given fairly little pay, maybe $1200/mo and room and board in exchange for child care and some house chores/personal assistant work.

When a lab assistant handled a rat pup, researchers found, it produced anxiety, a flood of stress hormones, in the pup.

The assistant will never ask for it. If you need us to do something that actually requires knowing your entire credit card number for some reason, that's the type of thing we can't do.

Assistant in a sentence as an adjective

Kudos to MS for making their personal assistant extendable by third party apps.

With regards to the customer support thing: this is something that you can very cleanly outsource to an assistant.

An assistant was made personally responsible for keeping it clean and in working order.

In other areas dedicated personal assistants are quite common.

I actually remember them suggesting hiring a personal assistant to undeliver my mail ;P.

Isamu Kaneko who wrote Winny [1], a popular Japanese P2P program, while working as a research assistant at University of Tokyo was persecuted and harassed until he died of heart attack this year.

I'm especially interested in hearing about the experiences of people who are deep down in the system, removed from direct student or professor interaction, not a lab assistant or counsellor whose contribution is obvious.

Assistant definitions


a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "my invaluable assistant"; "they hired additional help to finish the work"

See also: helper help supporter


of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another

See also: adjunct