Ascending in a sentence as a noun

Sort them in ascending order and plot them.

We had people log their impressions of each one, and then attempt to rate them in ascending order of "quality.

Small ascending currents are even able to stop the descend of a 60Ton commercial airplane while crossing them.

Last week they forced me to change my password due to an "important change" - ascending or descending numbers were not allowed anymore.

I listened recently to economic experts talking in the 90s, they were all saying we were in the ascending phase of some macro cycle, and that we had thirty years of growth ahead.

Turns out that while the video player had both a numeric value and a string description for the different quality levels, it assumed they were in ascending order.

It's interesting because the constraint on the project wasn't "I want an incredibly simple ascending arpeggio with a percussive kind of timbre.

Ascending in a sentence as an adjective

Ultimately, stress/pressure greatly affect performance and peoples' perceptions of you, both of which are paramount in ascending hierarchies.

I especially loved the closing paragraph about the audio staircase revealing all gossip about you in order of ascending quality.

Even if there's no racism past that point, if their parents were prevented from ascending to the middle class, they won't pass on middle-class virtues emphasizing the importance of education.

Let's use a number such that its binary representation is the concatenation of consecutive ascending binary numbers.

To me, this: _table_achievement_column=instance&ascending:true is less clear than: table[achievement][column]=instance&table[achievement][ascending]=true which also has the benefit of being parsed properly by most web frameworks.

If a former pot head can come from a broken family, gain education, enter politics, and make millions of dollars as an author before ascending to the office of the presidency, then it proves that the "American Dream" is still attainable.

Ascending definitions


the act of changing location in an upward direction

See also: rise ascent ascension


moving or going or growing upward; "the ascending plane"; "the ascending staircase"; "the ascending stems of chickweed"