Ascender in a sentence as a noun

As a third hand for your rappel, a toothed ascender seems like a bad idea.

Very true -I guess the point I was trying to make is that if you find yourself at the bottom of a rope _without_ an ascender to hand, all hope is not lost.

In those situations, being able to grab the ascender with whichever hand/arm is not fractured, is far easier than starting a Prusik.

An alternative to this is the mechanical ascender / 'jammer'.

The erratic variations in letter footprints and the up-and-down-and-up from the ascender line to the x-height and back affect reading speed.

Around my area, rope-soloing is solo top roping, basically a fixed rope with an ascender on the climber.

For example, the ascender on the lowercase "t" is horizontal, unlike Arial.

You could argue that it's not any stupider than claiming that a upside-down vee with a crossbar is the character as a dee with the ascender cropped off, but it also isn't any less stupid, so... .

Ascender definitions


someone who ascends


a lowercase letter that has a part extending above other lowercase letters


(printing) the part of tall lowercase letters that extends above the other lowercase letters