Armpit in a sentence as a noun

It's not a stereotype, it really is an armpit.

GoDaddy is the armpit of the tech industry.

The bullet entered his right \n chest and exited under his left armpit.

Being squished into someone else's armpit during peak commute sucks.

It definitely has a powerful "armpit" smell when you open it.

'A thermometer measures temperature when placed in your armpit.

"[...] is a lamentably cretinous miscreant and a primitive armpit-licking mass of neuroses and pathologies.""[...

The last time I calculated it out making 50k in the armpit of nowhere USA turned out pretty close overall to making 75 or 80k in SF or NY with taxes, commute time, and cost of living factored in.

Armpit definitions


the hollow under the arm where it is joined to the shoulder; "they were up to their armpits in water"

See also: axilla