Architectonic in a sentence as an adjective

They created a new architectonic system, it's like inventing a new programming language in some way.

And it's just "the architectonic of mathematics", not concepts in general.

One can merely step back and be awed with the romantic ideal of architectonics as dimly intimated by most today.

Always been curious how that architectonic style and weird abstract statues got so common in most cities around the whole world, while never met a person who actually liked them.

99% of software development is not architectonic cathedrals.

Category theory is, indeed, as in the philosophical sense of the expression "architectonic", the systematization of mathematical knowledge.

Just look at the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve sometime and ask yourself if hoarding currency is still the primary determinant of a nation's wealth?Sure, we've changed the language we use to describe it, we've changed the playing field itself, added incomparable technology, and re-shuffled the boundaries and identities of nations through a few world wars, all underneath an expanding teleological architectonic of democracy and freedom around the world, but ultimately everything is still the same basic pattern being played out across the nations.

Architectonic definitions


of or pertaining to construction or architecture

See also: tectonic