Applaud in a sentence as a verb

I really want to applaud backblaze for publishing these reports and stats.

We should applaud and celebrate this, not knock down how he's not a senior developer yet.

"If you are one of the few entrepreneurs that has come far along enough to get to a sale - for any amount - I just flat out applaud you.

In a rush to applaud cleverness, Twitter seems to have lept to the conclusion that "clever attack" means "vulnerable target".

I'm not sure what the right one is, and on that front I applaud them for experimenting, but as a customer I personally reject it.

Now Apple has the nerve to make statements like this:We applaud the administration for standing up for innovation in this landmark case.

If your personal use of Facebook had similar results to the author's, you nod your head, perhaps virtually applaud, and share the link.

I applaud the change and thinking outside of the box, but the Manchester City Council website looks like a $45 Wordpress theme off of Themeforest.

" The pixelated version was incredibly appropriate for a chiptune tribute and anyone that claims to care about art should applaud such a use of an imitation, mockup or inspired work.

Although I applaud the efforts here, as a former staffer and intern for a congressman, I hate to be the bearer of bad news...The truth is my job as an intern, as was the job of all other interns that I met while in DC, was to take constituent calls and also open constituent mail.

Applaud definitions


clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval

See also: clap spat acclaim


express approval of; "I applaud your efforts"