Appellant in a sentence as a noun

So the appellant argues that in a case like this, the trial judge misread the law.

In Bellas Hess, the Court agreed with appellant without justifying the decision explicitly on due process grounds.

Of course, the appellant's contention is probably specious but that's not unusual in criminal cases.

The appellant wants to make it seem that way, "if you deny our patent it will invalidate all software patents," but thats not the best characterization.

It was not about whether a social media website was a public platform or whether the websites had to allow the appellant access.

Any US lawyers know whether the attempted-appellant has a cause of action against his lawyers for professional negligence here?

Appellant in a sentence as an adjective

In mentions "public forum" only once, offhand, as one of the ways that social media could be used by the appellant whose civil rights were being violated when the government tried to bar him from using social media.

There are technicalities that are unfair to people who are appealing, like having appeals rejected for failure to timely file when the appellant didn't have access to admissible evidence in time to file, and so forth.

"if the cell phone had been password protected or otherwise ‘locked’ to users other than the appellant, it would not have been appropriate to take steps to open the cell phone and examine its contents without first obtaining a search warrant.

Specifically, that states imposing a tax on mail orders infringed on Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce and alternative that it violated appellant's rights under the 14th amendment to equal protection under the laws.

When did the interpretation of history become the sole prerogative of liberalism?Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.

Importantly, every time in the case they reference a "social media" website and a form of expression that could occur in a public forum, it is with respect to how the appellant would use that website--to freely express himself under his own first Amendment rights, and they contrast that with the government's attempt to restrict that expression.

Appellant definitions


the party who appeals a decision of a lower court


of or relating to or taking account of appeals (usually legal appeals); "appellate court"

See also: appellate