Antipyretic in a sentence as a noun

Have to be careful about liver toxicity and dosage but in a pinch it will work just fine as an antipyretic.

I believe the comment I was responding to claimed the positive/negative effect of antipyretic medications was nebulous; I at least found something that showed that was not the case

Treating influenza by lowering a fever with antipyretics increases the odds of death in animal studies and in humans similar treatment has been shown to prolong recovery time.

Antipyretic in a sentence as an adjective

Ibuprofen already is known to lead to GI perforation and mental decline in the elderly, so there's rarely a compelling reason to administer it. Paracetamol is much safer over short durations for analgesic and antipyretic properties generally unless acute or chronic liver injury is suspected.

Salicylic acid is a metabolite of aspirin anyway, and is also antipyretic, analgesic, anti-imflammatory.

In the clinic, we are very sure to see the curative effect, whether it is from the rate of exacerbation, antipyretic phenomenon or the image improvement time of the lungs, the negative time and negative rate of viral nucleic acid, and the shortening of the disease course, and a series of indicators, systematically Based on comprehensive research, the medication group was better than the control group.

Antipyretic definitions


any medicine that lowers body temperature to prevent or alleviate fever

See also: febrifuge


preventing or alleviating fever