Anthropometry in a sentence as a noun

* Relative anthropometry: long legs are worse than short legs.

I do believe that habits may have changed, but our anthropometry certainly didn't - the average human thumb is still the same length.

No, because estimating anthropometry is not gait analysis.

Push/Pull/Legs using the least stressful lift variations per individual anthropometry for 3x10,8,6 reps with 2-3 minute rest is enough for most people to get 80% of where they need to be be if done consistently over time.

It's becoming possible to accurately estimate anthropometry from any footage of a person moving, so this still identifies you.

Favourable environmental conditions such as altitude, diet and anthropometry, in addition to the motivational and socio-economic factors mentioned above, have all been proposed as possible reasons for the unsurpassed achievements of Kenyan dis- tance runners.

Anthropometry definitions


measurement and study of the human body and its parts and capacities