Antepenultima in a sentence as a noun

But how does "bug" match the meaning of "antepenultimate" in any way? I must be missing the point of the game.

In any case, as was said in the antepenultimate paragraph, it seems Neil Armstrong really was the right man for the lunar landing.

I refer back to my antepenultimate sentence. The answer is: because you are one person in a world of seven billion, and your solution is not going to go anywhere if the mass of people don't like it.

> antepenultimate paragraph “Second paragraph” is a simpler way to put it.

> antepenultimate And I thought knowing what penultimate meant was fun. For those that don't know, penultimate means second to last and antepenultimate means third to last.

But the examples clearly show that while a long final syllable will drag an antepenultimate accent forward, a long penultimate syllable will not. Might you be able to talk about why that is?

Another reference is found in the epitaph, which quotes from Percy Shelley’s poem Ozymandias, the title and theme of the AMC series’ antepenultimate episode. Maybe I'm just being dense, but I don't see an epitaph in any of those photos.

The word you are trying to match in meaning is: antepenultimate Your char list is: ['i', 'g', 'j', 'u', 'b'] Please input a valid word made from some or all of the provided characters What's the right answer?

Maybe you grew up speaking a language where penultimate and antepenultimate's cognates are in common use, like Spanish. I still remember hearing a Mexican friend whose English was, at the time, very basic use the word "polemical" and I could hardly believe it.

The last line in my original post explicitly refers to the antepenultimate paragraph in the article. The author's problem comes directly from not using pylint, then introducing it to a large, established project.

It's probably the thinking in your antepenultimate paragraph reinforcing itself. Instead, abstract skills can offer a gateway to the application of more rigid rules, so to speak, because it shows that they are strong, but the applicability is flexible.

And if the API provides `second`, `third`, `antepenultimate`, `penultimate`, and `last` methods it covers a large part of what one most often use. Past third rank, then I will feel better served with a `slice` method, whose documentation provides explicitly it’s index convention, whether it makes a modulo on out of bounds, etc.

The related words penultimate and antepenultimate refer to the second-to-last and the third-to-last item in a series, respectively."

Nice write-up explaining the problems, but the killer for me is a hint as to how others may have been fooled: Note that the antepenultimate line says ‘signiture’ instead of ‘signature’, so the script doesn’t do what is claimed. In particular, it reads the signature from the environment variable ‘signiture’ rather than from the command-line argument.

TIL a new word: antepenultimate. Quite lovely. ... and now Google has introduced me to preantepenultimate and propreantepenultimate.

Antepenultima definitions


the 3rd syllable of a word counting back from the end

See also: antepenult antepenultimate