Anger in a sentence as a noun

If there's anger in the room, it's not me: "people are angry because they're not in control.

I have had women on my team cry in meetings, but I've had men on my team explode in anger.

I don't see the kind of anger and outrage against this as we had against alcohol.

There is one and one way only out of the frustration, anger and depression: Accept your choices.

Some are jealous and quick to anger, and others are inhumanly patient.

" cried the novice in anger, "To make them do anything I must use three or even four editing programs.

Anger in a sentence as a verb

Then people can feed off each's other anger, saying and doing more and more preposterous things in order to impress the group.

G+ is not my favorite product but I think this is just an outburst of anger that does not deserve our attention.

During training sessions, I spent a lot of my time diffusing anger from these people and getting them to focus on the rubrics.

In his view, the only way to get rid of depression would be to allow this anger to express itself against the actual external force.

And that a possible cause of this in geek culture specifically is latent adolescent anger at women.

"I suppose you want to be seen as rational actors and would never admit it, but when I read your post it seems like you reacted to PG's anger, frustration, meanness and other emotions, but not to his honesty.

Anger definitions


a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance

See also: choler


the state of being angry

See also: angriness


belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)

See also: wrath


make angry; "The news angered him"


become angry; "He angers easily"