Anesthesia in a sentence as a noun

I opted out of anesthesia for my last colonoscopy, so that I could watch.

To correct my son's tongue tie the first ENT would have been over $1500 out of pocket, including anesthesia.

Since first learning of this and other odd questions raised by general anesthesia, I try to avoid it at all cost.

When I was having my wisdom teeth removed, one of my anesthesia options was to be put to sleep for the procedure.

I absolutely agree, anesthesia is a very bad idea for someone in DTs.

This ensures that your stomach is empty of any contents for general anesthesia. outpatient procedure under local anesthesia that takes 10 minutes and lasts 10 years?

Mhmm.. funny the article mentions it's an illegal party drug but not that is widely used in veterinary anesthesia.

She tells me that there is an anesthesiologist present and giving anesthesia *****, contradicting the article.

The article addressed this - how do you 'shop around' when you're under anesthesia, and would you really hire the cheapest doctor to diagnose your daughters life threatening ailment?

Marrow donations still require anesthesia and a surgical procedure.

Ketamine is indeed safer than many other anesthetics in terms of the risk of respiratory depression, which is why it is a common choice for veterinary anesthesia.

My mother had a noticeable change in "brightness" after a knee replacement, and within 18 months was diagnosed with ALS. I'm not sure we can blame the surgery but I think the neurological side-effects of deep anesthesia particularly in older patients is something that requires a serious weight of risks/benefits.

General anesthesia, typically used for colonoscopies, has a mortality rate.

The same 'consciousness gap' problem already exists in lesser forms: sleep, anesthesia, coma, also, brief periods of 'clinically dead' time as mentioned in the article during massive blood loss or other extreme situation.

Anesthesia definitions


loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness

See also: anaesthesia