Anaesthesia in a sentence as a noun

You get anaesthesia, then the nerve in the tooth is basically ripped out.

General anaesthesia and a needle into a big bone.

A few comments in this thread mention "genera anaesthesia side effects" and long-term problems.

The surgery and anaesthesia costs are billed separately.

But this is contradicted by the testimony of cancer patients on opiates or Hindu saints undergoing surgery without anaesthesia.

Once harvesting of organs is admitted to involve the living rather than the dead, at the very least it would mandate providing the donors with the same standard of anaesthesia, care, and dignity as the organ recipients.

Last time the Japanese systematically vivisected women and children without anaesthesia, including live amputation of limbs and injection of bacteria was between 1935 and 1945.

>I'm pretty sure that the "developmentally disabled children" bit precludes informed consentYour comment reminds me old joke: "Doctor, you forgot about anaesthesia before surgical operation!

You don't always intubate when someone's under general anaesthesia - it depends on the person, the level of anaesthesia needed, the anaesthesiologist's judgement call of the risks of intubating vs not intubating, the type of surgery and length of surgery.

Anaesthesia definitions


loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness

See also: anesthesia