Anemia in a sentence as a noun

You could try charging the same amount as normal, but tell people that the new ones prevent blindness and anemia in children.

I'm prone to iron deficient anemia, but a few fasting days doesn't cause any major issues for me.

Malaria causes anemia, which causes lethargy and low energy.

The gene for sickle cell anemia wasn't designed to **** people and doesn't care that it does: it just causes chemical reactions which have a tendency, on average, to create more copies of itself in an efficient fashion.

Most of the 'normal' lab values we use when reporting things like elevated white blood cell count, anemia, etc. are based on population studies with the average considered normal and setting extremes as 'abnormal.

For years I had to ensure I either took an iron supplement or got enough iron through my diet due to iron deficiency anemia from menstruation - a problem discovered only after I passed out in the middle of the street one morning.

The article treats the belief in supplements entirely as a case of well-nourished people pursuing quack fixes, ignoring scientifically credible practices such as food fortification using iodine and folic acid, the widely-known connection between vitamin C and scurvy, the use of iron supplements to treat anemia, and the historical experience with real malnutrition.

Anemia definitions


a deficiency of red blood cells

See also: anaemia


a lack of vitality

See also: anaemia


genus of terrestrial or lithophytic ferns having pinnatifid fronds; chiefly of tropical America

See also: Anemia