Ancientness in a sentence as a noun

"Generations" and "ancientness" have got nothing to do with it.

Did someone measure it and proved them wrong?I am not saying you are wrong, or he is, but the ancientness of the claim is not an argument in favor or against it

Re: the original thread, I was just using "the start of recorded history" as a convenient yardstick for measuring "ancientness" of civilizations.

These exact things that attracts most westerners to India - the ancientness and the abundance, are also very closely related to what westerners hate about India.

When will be the day when this sort of a thing gets shipped with the default vim installation?The reasons I say this is every time somebody brings up the apparent ancientness of vim/emacs people point to something like this.

At the risk of uncovering my ancientness, I remember reading astronomy books as a kid which specified that stars are so far away that they can't appear as anything more than dots of light even when viewed through the largest telescopes.

Ancientness definitions


extreme oldness

See also: antiquity