Amenity in a sentence as a noun

It was the only amenity for 20 minutes.

"Beds are considered a cost center but are tolerated because they are the number one amenity requested by guests.

The only amenity that Americans care about are the absolute lowest prices.

Am I the only one who doesn't see a problem with this?They provided a cel phone repeater as an amenity/courtesy to their passengers.

I cannot live without these, and I intensely regret any overnight trips to a hotel or other place that does not have such an amenity.

That does not however change- science databases are not an amenity- they are exorbitantly expensive!

WiFi is considered a cost center but is tolerated because it is the number one amenity requested by guests.

No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world...

Silicon Valley is still ridiculously expensive and mediocre in terms of amenity.

Amenity definitions


pleasantness resulting from agreeable conditions; "a well trained staff saw to the agreeableness of our accommodations"; "he discovered the amenities of reading at an early age"

See also: agreeableness