Altruistic in a sentence as an adjective

How he chooses to spend his wealth is what most people would call generous and altruistic.

[*]OK so I acknowledge that that's a simplistic/altruistic outlook on what the likes of google and bing do

As such, even a purely altruistic company is bad as a monopoly.

Oracle is so altruistic!Oracle has proven time again that they can't be trusted, and giving Oracle more control can only be bad.

How could HN verify the authenticity of a deletion order?I don't think Google is as altruistic as Schmidt pretends here.

But I think the rest of the world's answer is simpler and more likely: our intentions are not altruistic, and this is merely another unprincipled application of power to obtain a goal.

It seems disingenuous--even dishonest--to suggest there is a deeper altruistic motive.

Trading recipes?If this was an attempt to help Aaron's cause, it seems very misguided...Aaron really doesn't need the association with Wikileaks, especially as his supporters attempt to portray his work as benign and altruistic.

I wonder if Silicon Valley types will ever be able to move away from the faux-altruistic mindset and just acknowledge that they are interested in making more money than a single person could ever comfortably spend in 10 lifetimes.

Chances are they are getting one of those tangible benefits from it, and if you're not, well, what does that make you?Notice that many of those big, altruistic Open Source projects that made the world a better place also made the world a better place for their corporate sponsors in very specific and well thought out ways [1].

Altruistic definitions


showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

See also: selfless