Aloud in a sentence as an adverb

""Oh wow, computers can read written text aloud!

In fact if you just read aloud many Obj-C snippets, it often sounds very close to English.

If you have to read code aloud you can just say "fun" or "function" and "mod" or "module", obviously.

"Then, acting as though this was the first time I'd seen this problem, I would ask if it was ok if I thought aloud as I worked my way through the problem on the board.

As a man, I've handled this by being the one to turn it into an obvious sexist thing by making a joke aloud "yeah, Sarah, boss says it's your turn to take notes again because, you know, you're the only girl at the table :P. Ha ha ha ha.

When, if ever, the social-gaming population will wake up one day and think, perhaps aloud, and perhaps at great volume, "What the **** am I doing with my life?

Is this not dripping with innuendo?Would it have been acceptable if the jokes about forking and dongles had been issued via tweets, rather than aloud?

If an idea is so copyable that simply repeating aloud it is dangerous, then you're going to get copied by bigger players as soon as the viability of the idea has been demonstrated.

Your generation, and the ones before you, destroyed and defunded parks, they built malls over open land, they made 100% safe unfun playgrounds, they turned America in the the most litigious country in the history of mankind scaring anyone from allowing anyone ever to make a mistake or get slightly hurt, you buy your kids more screens than books, and then at the end of the day you wonder aloud why kids don't play as much?

Aloud definitions


using the voice; not silently; "please read the passage aloud"; "he laughed out loud"


with relatively high volume; "the band played loudly"; "she spoke loudly and angrily"; "he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him"; "cried aloud for help"

See also: loudly loud