Alopecia in a sentence as a noun

I have alopecia, dont be a ***** who use ***** with side effects.

As someone that has had alopecia aereata in the past, I will get my hopes up!

The patches of beard that stopped growing looks like alopecia areata[1].

This is for alopecia universalis - don't get your hopes up, gents!

I've had alopecia universalis for the past two years, so it's exciting to see new research in this area.

The title really should refer directly to alopecia.

While I don't think alopecia is the worst thing in the world, it would ease my mind to know that my daughters might not ever even have to worry about it.

I believe "male pattern baldness" is known as androgenic alopecia.

I take it for arthritis and alopecia and have come across many people on similar meds for diabetes or other things.

The reason this gets so much attention is that androgenic alopecia is linked to metabolic syndrome.

Unfortunately, I don't think this research applies to those with androgenic alopecia.

There are definitely worse fates in the world than alopecia aereata, but not having people ask if I intentionally shaved a random section of my head would be nice.

More importantly, why can't we accept that a man at any age may suffer from anxiety, depression, and/or loss of confidence due to androgenic alopecia?Also, I think people forget that science is not self-contained: advances in hair loss reversal could lead to discoveries in unrelated fields.

Alopecia definitions


loss of hair (especially on the head) or loss of wool or feathers; in humans it can result from heredity or hormonal imbalance or certain diseases or drugs and treatments (chemotherapy for cancer)