All-powerful in a sentence as an adjective

This is very true:"Leiningen and Cake, joined forces to become an all-powerful build tool.

While belief in a magical all-powerful and caring government is no different than a belief in deity.

An Amazon BR is more like a "moderator" in the interview loop than an all-powerful veto-machine.

It's not the all-powerful personal answer-machine that some people want it to be, but it's a handy alternate UI for many of the phone's functions.

It doesn't necessitate an all-powerful state, as far as I'm aware that's largely an idea made up to scare people into compliance with capitalism.

A claim about "all-powerful mother goddesses" before the end of the fifth millennium BC is inherently unhistorical.

Here is democracy... now here's an all-powerful president and congressional oligarchy.

Although, I have always doubted the omni-tentacular, ubiquitous, far-reaching character ascribed to Al Qaeda as an all-powerful international terrorist conspiracy.

In fact, what is particularly interesting is that Y/X is not just high, it's sublinear - if I'm three times as powerful, it is much less than three times as hard to hurt me. Arguably, in the face of governmental attackers, Y is sometimes _not even an increasing function of X_ - since one's main defenses against an entity that is nearly all-powerful in the sphere of violent force are speed and privacy, and one's speed and privacy both reduce with size, it's easier for the government to nab a single $100 million foe than it is to nab a single $10000 foe.

Welcome to WordPress!+ Marvel at the efficiency where anonymous subscribers are stored in the same database table as all-powerful system admins, which makes it much easier to upgrade anonymous Internet commenters to admins using local privilege escalation.+ Enjoy at least five different ways to execute arbitrary code against the server from the admin console.

All-powerful definitions


having unlimited power

See also: almighty omnipotent