Alienated in a sentence as an adjective

I hope they're happy they've alienated a vibrant and growing audience.

You've ruined your health, you've alienated your family, you've isolated yourself for what?

"Every day I feel more and more alienated by the victim mentality on Reddit.

How many times have we read stories about women who are alienated by their peers because their interests align with something that isn't "girlie.

Without it, I'd be alienated from my friends and family across the continent and in a few years we would have easily grown completely apart.

Women are less prone to feeling alienated by gender, but guys typically get uncomfortable with being labeled as a woman and will change it

However, your marketing strategy has alienated me from ever using your services, and I am not alone in that opinion.

She's alienated herself among the developer community at this point.

I feel like I've wasted the best years in my life, and that because of that and missing out on some basic experiences that most people share, I feel extremely alienated from the rest of my peers.

When I went to college I was as alienated and lonely as everyone else had been in high school and I still didn't have casual friends because I didn't know how to be friends with anyone who didn't already share my interests.

When due process is undermined, the population becomes more alienated from the government, and more individuals become radicalized, and more terrorism happens.

Am I the only one who prefers to read websites in "desktop" mode?I always feel totally alienated by the mobile page, there is information left out, annoying badly-implemented JS scrollers, etc...The "desktop" site looks always more nice and familiar, and you can zoom and scroll around as you wish to read everything.

Does Google believe that if they just push a little harder and finish the job, that somehow the people so alienated will be won over?Or is the pursuit of profit far more important than the perception of the brand overall?Right now, and for the last year, the brand is being severely tarnished in all of the networks I have, tech and real-life.

I personally know of at least two marriages that ended in divorce for reasons entirely unrelated to the quality of the relationship - one or both parties had a mid-life crisis, tried to reinvent themselves to assuage their existential angst, divorced, utterly alienated their partner in the process and ended up bitterly regretting it.

Alienated definitions


socially disoriented; "anomic loners musing over their fate"; "we live in an age of rootless alienated people"

See also: anomic disoriented


caused to be unloved

See also: estranged