Albacore in a sentence as a noun

There are albacore in the blue waters where I live, and some day I’d absolutely love to drop on a school of those. They get over four feet long!

Even albacore is not white until cooked. Saying that white tuna is not tuna, is the same as saying Chilean Sea Bass is not a bass.

I had psexec/rake/albacore/fluentmigrator deployment setup for my asp. net mvc servers and it worked out fine for me.

There are higher levels of mercury in albacore tuna, but generally speaking most people are going to be just fine.

White tuna" is actually canned albacore. As the article says, "All 16 grocery store samples were labeled correctly."

I just figured the "tuna" at most sushi joints was one of the lesser species of tuna like albacore or something else entirely.

As for real white tuna, there is such a thing and it's called albacore. Aside from being found prevalently in cans, it can also be had at many finer sushi restaurants and it's delicious.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has put yellowfin and albacore tuna in the "near threatened" category&;&."

Proper Noun Examples for Albacore

The stuff that comes in cans in the United States is albacore tuna. Albacore is less overfished than bluefin, the latter of which is more highly prized in Japan.

Albacore definitions


relatively small tuna with choice white flesh; major source of canned tuna


large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and has long pectoral fins; found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters