Affixation in a sentence as a noun

Similarly in the judgement it is clear that under the past regime affixation of a copyright notice was required. This is a central element to the case it seems.

If I had to venture a guess: They're referring to fixation [0], or preservation of the tissue, and not to affixation, the attachment of something. So, basically, they fixed the tissue prior to removing it from the skull, causing it to keep form.

But from practical point of view, these languages share common features like: vowel harmony, phonetic writing, suffixal affixation, grammatical cases. These skills transfer easily over to the next language, once you learn them with one language.

Affixation definitions


the result of adding an affix to a root word


formation of a word by means of an affix


the act of attaching or affixing something

See also: attachment