Affectionately in a sentence as an adverb

> Of course Musk doesn't just ridicule fuel cells, he affectionately calls them "fool cells".

Our startup's office used to be next door to what is affectionately called a "boiler room".

It is common in Greece to express disappointment affectionately by saying ' I am going to **** you'.

"It costs a great deal of money to keep Gandhi living in poverty," one of his followers said affectionately.

They bought a Winnebago, affectionately named the Waltabago after Walt, the guy who ran the team.

Walmart, for example, made headlines for taking what the industry affectionately calls "dead peasants insurance" on many workers.

How tough are we, right?But as the author points out, heaps of literature clearly show that "crunching", like it's affectionately called in the games industry, is contra-productive.

We affectionately call it the "Cornerteri" since it locate at the corner of 4th and San Mateo Dr. Ask any x-AdMob about Cornerteri and they'll know about this place... That's how you build a company culture.

Now that you mention it, the idea of a computing device being ready for casual use by those one might affectionately term "lusers" but not for heavy-duty professional use by computer people is so backwards it makes my head spin.

Affectionately definitions


with affection; "she loved him dearly"; "he treats her affectionately"

See also: dearly dear