Advancing in a sentence as an adjective

* though: advancing to the last match of something.

But in terms of advancing the field of computing, he hasn't done a whole lot yet.

Eventually you should have a large surplus that you can spend on advancing in their direction.

I also know plenty of people who waste their intellect painting canvases, when they could be advancing the species by doing something practical.

While liars need to know the truth to better conceal it, bullshitters, interested solely in advancing their own agendas, have no use for the truth.

Hardware specs were advancing so quickly that a two-year-old computer might not be capable of running newly-released software.

" It's a way to keep getting the best work and avoid falling into that FactoryFactory hoipolloi who stop advancing at 25 and are unemployed by 40.

As an example, advancing rocketry and electrifying transport to advance humanity is a terminal goal for Elon Musk.

Advancement at this firm was measured by "how many reports" you had, as in "direct reports", or people managed by you, and if you just did superior individual work but had no one "under you", you weren't advancing.

Globalization combined with rapidly advancing technology are allowing an ever shrinking pool of extremely talented people to satisfy the world's demand for products.

Which can include anyone advancing any political ideology that is frowned upon by the bipartisan "washington consensus" of what is acceptable debate.

You can not like that the NSA is a spy organization and we can debate whether we should conduct spy operations as a society, but I'm not sure what exposing their methods in this level of detail does for advancing that debate.

Pardon my bitterness, but it's an interesting question to wonder whether, by funding researchers to invent algorithms of this type and lock them away behind a patent-wall for two decades, USG is advancing the progress of technology or in fact retarding it.

Advancing definitions


moving forward

See also: forward forward-moving